The Karate Kid

Release date: June 10, 2010

Director: Harald Zwart

Storyline: Work causes a single mother to move to China with her young son; in his new home, the boy embraces kung fu, taught to him by a master.

Main actors: 

Jaden Smith Jaden Smith
Jackie Chan Jackie Chan
Taraji P. Henson Taraji P. Henson
Wenwen Han Wenwen Han
Rongguang Yu Rongguang Yu

Screenshots of the movie:



Movie Synopsis: Twelve-year-old Dre Parker moves with his widowed mother from Detroit to Beijing, China, where he has to learn a new language, acclimate to a new school, and deal with a completely different culture. Early on, he shows an interest in Meiying, a pretty young violinist, but his actions bring him face-to-face with a crew of kung fu-practicing bullies who taunt Dre and beat him up pretty mercilessly at every possible turn.

Like in the original, the bullies all take advanced martial arts at a scarily competitive kung fu studio led by Master Li (Rongguang Yu). Just when Dre’s about to be attacked by six of the bullies, he’s saved by his apartment complex’s maintenance man, Mr. Han, who hesitantly agrees to train Dre for a  kung fu competition where he’ll face all of his nemeses. Their mentor-mentee relationship develops into strong friendship that helps both Dre and Mr. Han grow past their insecurity and pain.

Personal review: The Karate Kid 2010 is a thoughtful and professionally executed remake, retaining everything that really mattered about the original — specifically the sincere relationship between the young protégé and his mentor.

Star rating: 

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